My artistic practices are based on reflections on how communication and perception are changing in the world. How communication and perception includes the non-human, as well as new ethical attitudes.

Turning to the modern philosophy of such authors as Timothy Morton, Eduardo Cohn, Jane Bennett, I am looking for an approach to special zones of mutual influence, where human and non-human subjectivity are on an equal footing.

I create my installations with found objects of origin, whether it is fabric, as in the work "Tea Chronicle", paper, a piece of wood or metal, and also plastic, as in the work "Biennale for the Creature".

I often use glass, working it in a classic and unconventional way. The combination of such a technique can be seen in the work "The Song of the Blue bark beetle". I also use materials that are prone to rapid decay or decay, as in the work "Entrustment".

Artifacts saved by me after significant events or handed over to me by their participants are especially important for me.

I am also interested in working with archival materials, the study of which allows you to form a subjective view of history through events that were ignored by history or deliberately removed from history as negative or inconvenient, for example, my work "Timeline". I study how the current generation of people retains the memory of long-gone events in language and culture.
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